The last unicorn is the best ...

It's the best, because it's not a unicorn. It's UNICRON! Haha! I nerded this one up with some Transformers action. I kept it simple -- I think I really captured my planet eating side.

Ok, I'm done with these stupid unicorn self-portraits.


Unknown said…
Well if Galactus is a planet eater, and Unicron IS a planet...would Galactus...ahem, eat unicron? Who's the winner in that contest?

Anyhow - I probably speak for all your fans when I say that it's a sad day when you stop drawing unicorns. I think you found your calling. Kyle unicorns are the only unicorns worth drawing...
Unknown said…
I probably should have just said, "It's more like, Galactus would EAT unicron's butt!"